Tuesday, July 21, 2015

SVN CLEANUP FAILS(96/285 technotes for 2015)

What to do is SVN Cleanup Fails? Please follow the guide lines below.


  1. Download and unzip sqlite3 shell tool, e.g. sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3080803.zip
  2. Adjust paths in the commands below to match your environment

Fix (manual)

Run this if you just want to test if this helps

** I placed the sqllite3.exe in the same folder where we have wc.db

D:svn_pmp.svn>sqlite3.exe wc.db
SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19
Enter “.help” for usage hints.
sqlite> select * from WORK_QUEUE;
812|(file-commit pmp-services/src/main/java/com/hixapi/pmp/service/plan/impl/mapping/PlanRateMapping.java)
sqlite> delete from WORK_QUEUE;
sqlite> .quit

Fix (automated)

If previous step worked for you, consider automating the process with these steps

  1. Go to your .svn folder, e.g.

  2. Copy sqlite3 shell tool there
  3. Create a fix-svn.bat file in that folder
  4. Next time you need to fix it, just run the shortcut on your desktop

Insert scripting code, and adjust paths

"d:svn_pmp.svnsqlite3.exe" wc.db "delete from WORK_QUEUE"
"C:Program FilesTortoiseSVNbinsvn" cleanup "D:src"

Save bat file and make a shortcut to your desktop




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