RecProcess Integration Challenges:
- Variety of different types of messaging - over TCP/IP and SNA etc, propriety data formats, unusual and one off integration mechanism.
- Long running Business processes and handling failure scenarios
- Undoing Business processes in a controlled manner.
- Data mapping is complex
- Inbound event based Business processes.
- In particular, an automated recovery method allows you to bypass the manual interventions that would have been used
IBM BPM Standard - philosophy
- Build simple interfaces to back end out of the box
- It takes a fairly optimistic view of the the processing environment.
Short Comings:
- Anything more in the backend requires a lot of Java Script.
- Does not support Transaction, Recovery and
- Does not provide out of the box capabilities of addressing issues when they occur
IBM BPM - Advanced - phylosophy
- Provides a pessimistic view
- handle issue when they occur
SOA - is one of the most component oriented distributed computing models of recent years is SOA.
SOA - requires - orchestration component that not only invokes the services in order but also handles failure, error or any other challenge
SCA - todays environment is made up of many different moving parts
- properly joining them.
- multiple connection type.
- different interfaces.
- global and discrete transactions.
- passing or security context and so on.
- loosely coupled
Advantages of IBM BPM Advanced (which ESB as such does not have)
- Adapters
- Integrated ESB
- Distributed Transactions
- Compensations
- Failed Event Management
- Event Sequencing
- Endpoint, retry and re-selection
Support from Tools
- Refactoring support
- Component Testing
Advantages of IBM BPM Advanced having ESB
- Same tooling, Same component model
- Ability to use process Senter and its management and government capability
- Transaction propagation
- Possibility of co-location when performance requirement demands such a pattern.
Can we use IBM BPM Standard and ESB instead of IBM BPM Advanced?
- ESB provides basic application integration capabilities
- Some adapters
- provide basic transaction support
- endpoint retry and reselection
- Connectivity
- Endpointvirtualization
- Data mediation and Tranformation
- Data encaptulation
- Data enrichment
- Minimal support for SCA,
- Compensation and Failed events (Websphere ESB does so)
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