Today was first step for a long exciting journey for me and Anblicks. We had the first scheduled meeting with Jonas Nwuke, Partner Development, IBM Watson.
As planned invited Kumar to be part of the initial discussion and share the excitement.
After a brief introduction about each other Jonas gave a basic overview of IBM Watson.
Some of the key areas goes like this.
1) IBM Watson is a showcase project to mimic the cognitive part of a human brain. This is revolutionizing the Traditional computing and brining in the new concept of Cognitive computing. Rather than programming a computer for different alternatives, here we feed Watson with a corpus of information and then let it decide and come up with suggestions on its own.
2) Rather than giving a single correct answer, it comes up with multiple answers with confidence scores.
3) On top of that its ability to continuously learn and improve its accuracy on its own makes it remarkable.
One line - which actually changed my thought process is, IBM Watson is going to help highly skilled people like Doctors, Lawyers etc do their regular job in a much efficient way.
That said I started thinking about how Google changed the way Software Developers did their coding. It did not replace Software Developers, but rather helped thousands of developers around the globe to become more efficient. Same holds true for others professionals.
Now IBM Watson is going to revolutionize what Google did 16-18 years back. Out of the zetabytes of data, to take a better decision we will be using IBM Watson all the time as our personal guide for any decision making.
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